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Our Founder

Sharon Peters-Ruff

Apostle Sharon Peters-Ruff has been preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ for over 25 years and has lived a Good Life in HD for more than 35 years as a saved Woman of God.  As a set gift in the church and as an affirmed Apostle, she works to edify, strengthen, grow up to maturity the disciples of Christ through her teaching and ministry of “strong meat”, which challenges and fosters growth and development if applied.   Apostle Sharon (as she is affectionately called) received her Doctorate Degree in 2012 from the Calvary School of Ministry for Independent Biblical Studies.   In the next 6 years she earned a Doctor of Theology and a PhD in Biblical Studies, and most recently in 2022 she was honored with an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Ministry from Ramah Institute of Theology of Chicago, Illinois, all contributing to her extreme love for God’s word.  Apostle Sharon currently serves as the Co-Founder and Servant Leader of Unveiled Ministries of Chicago, Illinois, founded in 1997, where she was installed as the Senior Pastor in 2008 by The Reverend Dr. Ramona Joseph of the African Pentecostal College of Bishops.


As a result of her intense studies, coupled with her early morning communing with the Holy Spirit, Apostle Sharon has become a noted “Revelatory Teacher” who can reveal New Truths and uncover Mysteries hidden in the Word of God.  She is always laying new tracks and shifting paradigms in the minds of people as they hear her preach and teach from the word of God.


In pursuit of her “personal” goals, she attended the University of Illinois Circle Campus and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing.   Upon entering the workforce, Apostle Sharon was immediately recognized as a leader, a woman with an excellent work ethic and a strong mind for business.  However, God had other plans for her and that was to build His Kingdom, not Corporate America.  After responding to the voice of God, she left her “secular job” on Valentine’s Day over 15 years ago and chose to trust the call of God on her life.  Since that time, Apostle Sharon has invaded many regions through her travels, and she has taken much territory for the Kingdom of God.  Apostle Sharon is a pioneer, a trailblazer for many women, as well as an Apostle’s Apostle and she is still graced to pastor and serve her local church (gone virtual) with great love.  Upon the onset of COVID she continued in the “new” thing as God unfolded it.


Apostle Sharon is called upon often and sent by God to minister at Women’s Conferences, Church Services and Retreats, etc.  She is most known as an Apostolic Mother to millions as was spoken by the Lord.  Many have come to “hear” the gospel by way of her “voice,” which God said He would use.  In August 2015, Apostle Sharon appeared on The Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) in Ottawa, Illinois as a guest speaker (with an average estimated audience of over 9 million viewers) to give a sermonette during their weekly Praise–A-Thon.


Apostle Sharon, as an Apostolic Mother, has a caring and compassionate ministry for women and God has used her to birth out thousands of women onto the path of their purpose, dreams and destiny through her ministry and mentorship.  As a Visionary who can envision the plans of God, she was given a Divine vision in 2013 coupled with a prophetic word of her being an “uncommon mentor,” and after incubating that vision for five years in 2018, she birthed out Woman To Woman Covenant Connection International, with the first leg of this venture being a Mentorship Program being established.  She currently mentors women in four areas of their choosing (Womanhood, Women’s Ministry, Leadership and the Apostolic).  This is in line with her purpose in life to be the “standard of holiness” for women.   Because she understands the heart of a woman, she is anointed by God to bring about healing and restoration in the lives of women.  She is the Founder/President of Sweet Rose of Sharon Women’s Ministry, a place of feeding, a place to prepare for excellence & a place of healing and restoration.  In addition, Apostle Sharon has been noted for joining forces with the “Men of God” (especially those in senior leadership) in unity and agreement for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.


Apostle Sharon launched The Strength of An Eagle’s Wings Global Network which God gave her the vision for this kingdom endeavor in the year 2016 and it was officially launched in 2019!  The Strength of An Eagle’s Wings Global Network is a “nesting place” for functioning leaders (even high-ranking leaders) to nest and grow!  This network is also a safe place where leaders, even Generals in spirit, can enter a cycle of maturity, which involves a purposeful divine process that they MUST submit to in order to ensure the longevity of their strength, causing a greater MOUNT in their ministry and assignment in the earth causing them to SOAR to new heights in it!


Apostle Sharon loves Facebook and uses social media to teach, encourage and spread the Gospel.  She is known for her daily postings of her “Thoughts of the Morning” and her many posts throughout the day which she makes to foster spiritual education and intelligence in a Virtual World.  Apostle Sharon is the mother of two biological children, Shaniece and Kyle and the “Gema” to Shaniya who is the apple of her eye!  She is a noted author who has published ten books; “Teach Me To Pray,” “Who Hurt The Church, “ The 3F’s That Make For A Successful Christian,” “Thoughts of The Morning,” “Help For The Helpmeet”, “The Composite of The Woman – Her Distinction In Kind”, “Thoughts of The Morning, Volume II ~ Communing With The Holy Spirit”,  her collaborative publication,  “Lessons By Letter – Uncovering The Riches of God’s Truth”, and in 2022 she published both “Thoughts of The Morning, Volume III ~ Acceptable Meditations of The Heart” and “She is Risen ~How To Get Up From Anything”.  In 2021 Apostle Sharon launched her virtual television broadcast, “Living The Good Life In HD with Apostle Sharon,” which airs every Monday on the BGKTV on ROKU TV.   As she endeavors to (continue), which is her favorite word, Apostle Sharon knows beyond a shadow of doubt that she was Called for Such a Time as This.

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